David Hoos David Hoos

Can You Outsource Your Agency Thought Leadership?

Outsource your agency thought leadership?

That's a bad idea.

But when I talk with agencies about helping them with their lead gen & marketing, many are drawn to full "done-for-you" solution.

And I get it. I understand the appeal of delegating your agency lead gen and marketing to a third party so you can focus on client or operations work—but it's not worth it.

Ask yourself, "Would I let a third party speak at a conference representing my agency?"

If you're like most agency leaders, the answer is no.

So what is the solution?

In my experience there are two, both of which still require some personal investment from agency leadership.

1. Become the Chief Evangelist Officer for your agency

This means you might put yourself out there on social media, host a podcast, guest on podcasts, speak at conferences, write a newsletter, etc. You recognize that this is a muscle that is worth building for the sake of your agency's long term health. For this, you could use some guidance and coaching to help you get going on these channels effectively, but wholesale delegation to another person doesn't make sense.

2. Log your expertise for someone else to draft content with.

This takes less time but limits your channels somewhat. With this approach, you capture your subject matter expertise via Voice Notes, Loom videos, etc. for a third party to adapt into content on your behalf. This will usually limit you to written channels like guest posting, posts on your own site, social media content, and email marketing, but can still work, albeit more slowly.

What is NOT possible, in my experience, is completely handing off showcasing your expertise to a third party.

And this is a problem if you're looking to build agency pipeline.

At the end of the day, your target market is looking for deep subject matter experts that can show proof of their expertise and results before they're willing to take a leap with you.

And that's not something that should be left to a third party.

As an agency leader, you have to own it.

Get a coach, a consultant, or whatever to help steer you in the right direction, but whatever you do, don't try to get someone to do it for you wholesale.

You'll regret it.

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David Hoos David Hoos

Focus on These 3 Metrics To Increase Quality Inbound Leads

Is your agency trying to increase quality inbound leads?

It's not as complicated as many want to make it.

Here are the three key metrics you need to focus on:

1. Relevant Content Engagement

This is evidence that what you are talking about resonates with your target market.

Look at your social analytics and new follower to see if you're attracting your ideal client profile.

If it resonates, go deeper. If it's a dud, cut it out.

2. List Growth

This is evidence that folks want to go deeper with your agency in particular. They want to understand your unique POV on a deeper level.

Make sure you're turning the folks who are engaging with your social content into subscribers. Make them happy they subscribed by providing them consistent value.

3. Qualified conversations

These are the marketing leads that sales would be thrilled with, not simply emails that you're calling MQLs.

When those first two metrics are healthy and a subscriber experiences the pain that you solve, you'll be the first person they go to.

Sure, there might be other metrics you'll want to track, but if, at a minimum, you're able to increase these metrics, you will bring in new clients.

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David Hoos David Hoos

A Challenge to Conventional Agency Lead Gen Attribution

Clear marketing attribution is normally a good thing. But what if that isn't the case with agency lead generation? I'm increasingly convinced that the better the "attribution solution", the worse the lead. In this article, I unpack this problem and propose a new solution.

Clear marketing attribution is normally a good thing.

But what if that isn't the case with agency lead generation?

I'm increasingly convinced that the better the "attribution solution", the worse the lead.

Let's unpack that.

Fact #1: On average, leads that become the longest standing clients are those that have developed the deepest trust with your agency.

So how is deep trust built?

Often it comes from either from borrowed trust from a trusted source or built trust from consistency over time.

That means trusted referrals or consuming a lot of content.

Fact #2: Most software based attribution isn't designed for word-of-mouth referrals or leads that comes in after reading your content for 9 months and buying in to your way of doing things (it might show content as a source, but doesn't go deeper).

In short, the best types of agency leads will most likely be reported poorly using common attribution methods.

So what's the solution.

I know plenty of ink has been spilled advocating for customer reported attribution (via a lead form usually), and I'm inclined to agree, but I'd like to go a step further.

The best attribution is going to be long form qualitative attribution coming from the client themselves and recorded as such.

When you get on your first call with a client, try asking them "Can you walk me through the steps or thought process that led you to fill out our lead form today?"

With a question like that, you're far more likely to get the nuance that is most valuable for optimizing your marketing investments.

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David Hoos David Hoos

Positioning for Prestige: How Elite Agencies Craft Their Brand Image

Brand positioning is more than just a marketing buzzword; it's a pivotal element of your agency's success. As an agency founder, your brand's positioning in the marketplace can make or break your ability to attract the right clients and set premium pricing.

Brand positioning is more than just a marketing buzzword; it's a pivotal element of your agency's success.

As an agency founder, your brand's positioning in the marketplace can make or break your ability to attract the right clients and set premium pricing.

The reality is stark: poor positioning often leads to being overlooked in a crowded market, while strategic positioning can elevate your agency to a level of trust and desirability among clients.

This isn't just about being seen; it's about being seen by the right people, in the right light.

In this article, I’ll unpack:

  • The impact of weak positioning on agency visibility and client acquisition.

  • Practical strategies to enhance your agency's brand positioning.

  • How effective positioning directly translates to trust and premium pricing.

Let's delve into the nuances of brand positioning and how it can be your agency's game-changer in a competitive market.

Understanding Brand Positioning

Brand positioning is the art and science of placing your agency in a distinctive spot in your clients' minds.

It's about carving out a unique identity that differentiates you from the competitors.

But what does that really mean for agency founders like you?

It's not just about your services or pricing; it's about the value and experience your agency promises to deliver.

Many agencies fall into the trap of believing that positioning is solely about being the most affordable or the most experienced.

This is a narrow view.

True brand positioning encompasses the entire client experience — from the first touchpoint to the final deliverable.

A strong position is clear, memorable, and aligns closely with your target clients' needs and desires.

For agencies, this often means going beyond just listing services.

It involves crafting a narrative that resonates with your ideal clients, whether that's through innovation, exceptional customer service, or specialized expertise in a niche market.

The Pitfalls of Poor Positioning

In the world of agency business, poor positioning is akin to invisibility.

When your agency lacks a clear position, it blends into the background, indistinguishable from the myriad of competitors.

This obscurity is particularly detrimental for new client acquisition.

Agencies with vague or weak positioning often find themselves in a relentless battle for attention.

Clients struggle to understand what sets your agency apart.

This uncertainty breeds hesitation and ultimately pushes potential clients toward competitors with clearer messaging.

The consequence? A perpetual price war.

Without a distinct position, agencies are often forced to compete on price alone, entering a downward spiral that undermines both profitability and perceived value.

This situation is all too common for agency founders, who then find themselves overworked and underpaid, struggling to maintain afloat in an undifferentiated market.

In fact, I’ve worked with one of these agencies that was able to make this shift. They reposition from being a broad development agency to providing ecommerce conversion optimization services.

Prior to the pivot, they were one among many, competing on price and often overlooked.

Post-pivot, they not only attracted high-value clients but also established themselves as experts, commanding premium rates.

Strategies for Effective Brand Positioning

For agency founders, effective brand positioning requires a deliberate and strategic approach.

It's about understanding your unique strengths and how they meet the specific needs of your target clients.

Here's how you can achieve this:

  • Identify Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP): What makes your agency special? Is it your innovative approach, niche expertise, or exceptional customer service? Pinpointing your USP is the cornerstone of your positioning strategy.

  • Understand Your Target Audience: Deeply comprehending your client's needs, challenges, and aspirations enables you to tailor your messaging. This alignment ensures that your positioning strikes a chord with the right audience.

  • Craft a Compelling Narrative: Your brand story should encapsulate your USP and resonate with your target audience. A narrative that reflects your agency's ethos and values can be incredibly powerful in differentiating you from the competition.

  • Consistency is Key: Ensure that your positioning is reflected consistently across all touchpoints – from your website to your social media, and even in how your team communicates with clients.

  • Gather Feedback and Iterate: Positioning is not a set-and-forget strategy. It needs to evolve with your agency and the market. Regular feedback from clients and team members can provide valuable insights for refinement.

For example, I worked with a digital marketing agency that repositioned itself as a specialist in eco-friendly brands.

By aligning their services with the growing trend of sustainability, they not only stood out in a crowded market but also attracted clients who were willing to pay a premium for their niche expertise.

Brand Positioning and Client Trust

In the agency world, trust is a currency as valuable as cash.

Effective brand positioning establishes a foundation of trust, positioning your agency as not just a service provider, but a reliable partner in your clients' success.

Clear, consistent positioning signals expertise and reliability.

When clients perceive your agency as a leader in a specific niche or service, they're more inclined to trust your expertise.

This trust is crucial, especially when dealing with high-stake projects or long-term collaborations.

Consider the journey of an the agency I mentioned earlier that became known for their ecommerce conversion optimization services.

Their clear positioning in this specific area quickly built trust with clients looking for conversion optimization for their ecommerce store, bypassing the usual hesitancies associated with hiring a new agency.

In addition, trust, once established, can lead to more referrals, repeat business, and the ability to command higher rates.

Clients who trust your agency are not only willing to pay more for your services but are also more likely to recommend you to others, expanding your client base organically.

From Positioning to Premium Pricing

Strong brand positioning does more than just attract clients; it sets the stage for premium pricing.

As an agency founder, one of your ultimate goals is to not just win business but to do so at rates that reflect the true value of your services.

When your agency is positioned effectively, price becomes a secondary concern for clients.

They're not just buying a service; they're investing in a brand that they believe in and trust.

This mindset shift is critical for moving away from competing on price to competing on value.

A well-positioned agency in the market can command higher rates because it offers something unique and valuable.

This could be in the form of specialized skills, a unique approach to problem-solving, or exceptional customer experiences.

Take, for instance, an agency that carved out a niche in immersive branding experiences.

Their unique positioning allowed them to attract clients who were not just looking for branding services but were willing to pay a premium for an innovative and immersive branding approach.

The key is to ensure that your positioning clearly communicates the additional value that your agency brings.

This perception of added value is what justifies higher pricing, differentiating your agency in a way that goes beyond just the services offered.


Brand positioning is not just a marketing strategy; it's the lifeline of your agency.

It determines how clients see you, how much they trust you, and ultimately, how much they're willing to pay for your services.

We've explored the detrimental effects of poor positioning, practical strategies for effective positioning, and how it leads to client trust and premium pricing.

Remember, the right positioning can transform your agency from just another option to the go-to expert in your field.

It's about understanding your strengths, knowing your audience, and consistently communicating your unique value.

For agency founders looking to elevate their positioning further, the next step is to conduct a thorough audit of your current brand position and strategize accordingly.

This could involve refining your messaging, reassessing your target market, or even redefining your agency's core services.

Your brand's positioning is a journey, not a destination.

Keep refining, keep innovating, and watch as your agency stands out in a sea of competitors, not just for what you do, but for how you do it differently.

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David Hoos David Hoos

When Is The Right Time for An Agency To Hire A Marketing Consultant?

In the fiercely competitive realm of digital marketing, agency founders often find themselves at a crossroads: to hire a marketing consultant or to solely rely on in-house capabilities.

This decision isn't just about resource allocation; it's a strategic move that can define the future trajectory of your agency.

Navigating this decision requires more than just industry knowledge; it demands a keen understanding of your agency’s unique position in the market.

In the fiercely competitive realm of digital marketing, agency founders often find themselves at a crossroads: to hire a marketing consultant or to solely rely on in-house capabilities. 

This decision isn't just about resource allocation; it's a strategic move that can define the future trajectory of your agency.

Navigating this decision requires more than just industry knowledge; it demands a keen understanding of your agency’s unique position in the market.

In this article, you will learn:

  • The critical signals indicating it's time for your agency to bring in a marketing consultant.

  • How the strategic addition of a consultant can propel your agency to new heights.

  • Essential preparations for integrating a consultant's expertise into your agency's growth plan.

Let's explore how making the right decision at the right time can unlock new dimensions of success for your agency.

The Agency Founder’s Dilemma: In-house Team vs External Expertise

For agency founders, the choice between augmenting your in-house team or seeking external marketing consultancy is a pivotal one. 

It’s a decision that goes beyond mere budget considerations; it’s about understanding the core needs and future aspirations of your agency.

At the heart of this decision lies a crucial question: Can your current team effectively drive the agency's growth and innovation, or is there a gap that external expertise can fill?

This isn't just about capacity; it's about capability and perspective. 

An internal team offers deep familiarity with your agency’s culture and ongoing projects, but may sometimes be too close to see the bigger picture or emerging market trends.

A marketing consultant brings a fresh pair of eyes, specialized expertise, and perhaps most importantly, a breadth of experience across various industries and markets. 

This external perspective can be invaluable in identifying untapped opportunities, refining your agency’s strategies, and avoiding the blind spots that can occur when you're deeply entrenched in day-to-day operations.

Indicators That Your Agency Needs a Marketing Consultant

Recognizing when to seek external marketing expertise is crucial for any agency poised for growth. 

Here are some telltale signs that it might be time to hire a marketing consultant:

  • Your Growth Has Plateaued or Is Inconsistent:
    If your agency's growth has hit a plateau or is experiencing unpredictable fluctuations, it could indicate underlying issues in your marketing strategies.

    A consultant can provide a fresh perspective and specialized strategies to reignite growth.

  • Entering New Markets or Launching New Services:
    Venturing into uncharted territories or diversifying your service offerings can be daunting.

    A marketing consultant with experience in these areas can offer valuable insights and help mitigate risks.

  • Struggles with Specialized Marketing Tactics:
    If your agency is grappling with specific marketing channels or tactics – be it SEO, content marketing, or digital advertising – bringing in a consultant with expertise in these areas can turn these challenges into opportunities.

  • Limited In-House Resources:
    When your team is overstretched or lacks specific skills, a consultant can fill these gaps without the long-term commitment of hiring additional full-time staff.

  • Need for an Unbiased, Third-Party Perspective:
    Sometimes, it's essential to have an external party evaluate your marketing strategies and offer unbiased feedback.

    A consultant can provide this objectivity and help steer your agency in the right direction.

Strategic Benefits of Hiring a Marketing Consultant for Agencies

Hiring a marketing consultant can be a game-changer for agency founders, offering numerous strategic benefits:

  • Expertise and Specialized Skills:
    Consultants bring a wealth of knowledge and specialized skills that may not be present in-house.

    They stay abreast of the latest trends and techniques, offering cutting-edge solutions that can give your agency a competitive edge.

  • Fresh Perspectives and Innovation:
    Sometimes, being too close to a project can lead to tunnel vision.

    Consultants offer fresh perspectives, encouraging innovative thinking and new approaches that can rejuvenate your marketing strategies.

  • Scalability and Flexibility:
    Consultants provide scalability.

    They can be brought in for specific projects or during peak times, offering flexibility that is cost-effective compared to hiring full-time employees.

  • Objective Analysis and Honest Feedback:
    An external consultant can provide objective analysis and honest feedback, free from internal biases.

    This can be crucial in identifying blind spots in your strategies and making necessary adjustments.

  • Focus on Core Business Functions:
    By outsourcing specialized marketing tasks, your team can focus on core business functions and client relations, improving overall efficiency and productivity.

  • Building Long-Term Strategies:
    Consultants can help develop long-term marketing strategies that align with your agency's goals and vision, ensuring sustained growth and success.

Assessing Your Agency's Readiness for a Consultant

Before bringing a marketing consultant on board, it’s vital for agency founders to assess their readiness.

This assessment ensures that the collaboration will be fruitful and aligned with the agency's objectives. 

Here are key areas to consider:

  • Clarity of Goals and Expectations:
    Define what you aim to achieve with a consultant.

    Clear goals will guide the consultant and provide a benchmark for success.

  • Understanding of Current Marketing Efforts:
    Evaluate your existing marketing strategies.

    Identify what’s working and where there’s room for improvement.

    This self-assessment will help in communicating your needs effectively to the consultant.

  • Budget Allocation:
    Determine the budget for hiring a consultant.

    It should align with your expectations and the value you anticipate them bringing to your agency.

  • Team’s Openness to External Input:
    Ensure your team is prepared and open to external advice and changes.

    The success of a consultant’s engagement often hinges on the internal team’s willingness to collaborate and adapt.

  • Infrastructure for Implementation:
    Assess whether your agency has the necessary infrastructure and resources to implement the consultant's recommendations.

    This includes technology, personnel, and operational capabilities.

  • Long-Term Vision Alignment:
    The consultant's approach should align with your agency's long-term vision and values.

    This alignment ensures that the strategies developed are sustainable and coherent with your overall business direction.

Choosing the Right Time and Consultant for Your Agency

Deciding when to hire a marketing consultant and selecting the right one are critical steps for agency founders. 

Here's a guide to make this decision process more strategic and effective:

  • Timing Your Decision: The right time to hire a consultant is when your agency is poised for growth but facing challenges that internal resources cannot address effectively. This could be during a period of rapid scaling, when diversifying services, or when entering new markets.

  • Identifying the Right Fit: Look for a consultant whose expertise aligns with your specific needs. Whether it's digital strategy, branding, or lead generation, the right consultant should have a proven track record in that area.

  • Cultural Compatibility: Ensure the consultant's working style and ethics align with your agency's culture. A harmonious relationship is key to successful collaboration.

  • Checking References and Past Work: Evaluate the consultant’s previous work and speak with past clients. This will give you insights into their effectiveness and how they’ve impacted other agencies.

  • Setting Clear Expectations and Deliverables: Before finalizing the engagement, clearly define the expectations, deliverables, and metrics for success. This clarity will help in measuring the consultant's impact on your agency.

  • Trial Projects: If possible, start with a small project or trial period. This approach allows you to assess the consultant's fit with your agency before committing to a long-term engagement.

Taking the Leap: Empowering Your Agency with the Right Marketing Consultant

As we've explored, hiring a marketing consultant can be a transformative decision for your agency, marking a significant step in your growth journey. 

To recap, the critical takeaways are:

  • Recognizing the right time to hire a consultant is key. This often aligns with growth phases, diversification, or when internal challenges arise.

  • The strategic advantages of a consultant include specialized expertise, fresh perspectives, and objective analysis, all of which can significantly bolster your marketing efforts.

  • Preparing your agency for a consultant involves clear goal-setting, understanding your current marketing position, and ensuring alignment with your long-term vision.

Now, as you consider this path, remember it's about more than just filling a gap—it's about strategically enhancing your agency's capabilities and market position.

If you think you’re ready, feel free to book a call and learn more about how I have helped other agencies build their marketing systems and attract better leads. 

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David Hoos David Hoos

How to Market Professional Services

In this article, you will learn:

  • Tailored strategies for marketing high-stake B2B services.

  • How to build trust and connect emotionally with potential clients.

  • Methods to challenge and redefine the norms of B2B marketing.

Navigating the B2B services landscape requires a distinct marketing finesse, distinctly different from marketing tangible products like B2B SaaS. 

When marketing professional services, you're not just selling a product; you're offering a promise of expertise, trust, and results. 

This arena, where services are intangible, stakes are high, and price points are substantial, demands a marketing approach that resonates on a deeper, more emotional level.

For marketing agency founders, the challenge is profound. 

Your potential clients are making decisions heavily weighted by emotion and trust, as their success hinges on your agency's performance. 

It's not just about features or price points; it's about convincing them of your capability to be a pivotal part of their success story.

In this article, you will learn:

  • Tailored strategies for marketing high-stake B2B services.

  • How to build trust and connect emotionally with potential clients.

  • Methods to challenge and redefine the norms of B2B marketing.

Join me as we explore the art of marketing B2B services, where success is not just about selling a service, but about forming partnerships built on trust and proven results.

Beyond Referrals - Expanding Your Client Base

In the realm of B2B services, particularly in marketing agencies, referrals have long been the lifeblood.

They are a testament to past success, but they are not a growth strategy. 

Relying solely on referrals can leave your agency vulnerable to market fluctuations and limit potential growth. 

It's akin to fishing in a small pond when there's an entire ocean out there.

Diversifying your client acquisition strategy is not just beneficial; it's necessary.

To expand your client base, you must explore channels beyond the comfort zone of referrals.

This isn't about discarding referrals but augmenting them with proactive, targeted marketing strategies.

  • Understand the limitations of referrals: They often bring in clients similar to your existing ones, which might limit your agency's exposure to diverse industries or larger projects.

  • Embrace digital marketing avenues: Leveraging SEO, content marketing, and social media can open doors to clients you wouldn't meet through referrals.

  • Networking and partnerships: Building relationships with complementary businesses can lead to mutually beneficial referrals, expanding your reach.

Referrals are a solid foundation, but not a complete building. 

By integrating more proactive marketing strategies, your agency can tap into new markets, attract a wider range of clients, and ensure stability and growth in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Refined Lead Generation Strategies for Marketing Agencies

The key to effective lead generation for marketing agencies lies in precision and authenticity.

Moving beyond broad, generic strategies allows you to connect more deeply with a specific segment, making your offerings more compelling and relevant.

  • Narrow Your Focus to Stand Out: Specializing in a niche or a particular aspect of marketing services can make your agency more attractive to a segment of the market. This focused positioning helps in addressing the unique challenges and needs of that segment, setting your agency apart from competitors who might be casting a wider, less targeted net.

  • Showcase Authentic Results: Potential clients are looking for proof, not promises. Regularly publishing articles, detailed case studies, and client testimonials that specifically highlight your successes in your chosen niche or service area can be far more convincing than generic claims. This authentic evidence provides tangible proof of your expertise and results.

  • Engage with Your Audience Authentically: Whether it's through social media or in-person networking, the goal is to build genuine connections. On social media, this might mean engaging in industry-specific conversations, sharing insights, and offering value without an immediate expectation of return. For in-person networking, attending or speaking at niche industry events can position you as an approachable expert, opening doors to deeper conversations and potential leads.

By focusing narrowly, proving your results authentically, and connecting genuinely, you can create a lead generation strategy that not only brings in more leads but brings in the right leads. 

It's about quality over quantity, ensuring that each lead is more likely to be a perfect fit for the unique services your agency provides.

Positioning Your Agency for Growth - Building on Focused Strategies

Following the focused and authentic strategies outlined earlier, positioning your agency for growth is the next pivotal step. 

It's about leveraging your specialized positioning and proven results to create a compelling narrative in the market.

  • Amplify Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Building on the focused approach discussed earlier, your USP should reflect your narrow specialization and the unique benefits it brings to your clients. This isn't just about being different; it's about being distinctly suited to meet the specific needs of your target audience.

  • Craft a Cohesive Brand Story: Your brand narrative should seamlessly integrate the success stories and authentic evidence shared in your articles and case studies. This narrative isn't just your history; it's a reflection of your values, your approach to solving client challenges, and the consistent results you deliver.

  • Extend Thought Leadership Beyond Content: In the previous section, we discussed engaging authentically with your audience. Take this a step further by embedding your thought leadership into every aspect of your brand. From public speaking engagements to your digital presence, ensure that every touchpoint with your agency reinforces your position as a leader in your niche.

This strategic positioning is a natural extension of the focused, evidence-backed approach we've established. 

It's about using the foundation you've built through targeted strategies to project a clear, resonant message that captures the attention of the exact clients you aim to serve.

Challenging Marketing Myths - A Path to Authority

As a thought leader in the marketing agency space, one of the most impactful ways to demonstrate your expertise is to challenge and redefine commonly held beliefs in the industry.

This not only shows depth in your understanding but also positions your agency as an innovator and authority.

  • Identify Prevailing Myths: Start by pinpointing common misconceptions or outdated practices that are still prevalent in the industry. These might include myths about digital marketing strategies, lead generation, or client relations.

  • Present Contrarian Insights with Evidence: For each myth, provide a contrarian viewpoint backed by concrete evidence. This could be in the form of data from your own clients, industry case studies, or current research. The goal is to not just contradict these myths but to offer a more effective alternative based on real-world results.

  • Educate Your Audience: Use your platforms—be it your blog, social media, or speaking engagements—to educate your audience about these myths. Offer them insights into why these beliefs persist and how adopting a more nuanced approach can lead to better marketing outcomes.

By challenging the status quo and providing insightful, evidence-based alternatives, your agency will not only stand out but also add value to the industry conversation. 

This approach helps in fostering a reputation as a thought leader who doesn't just follow trends but critically assesses and shapes them.

Building a Sustainable Lead Pipeline - Targeted Channels and Educational Nurturing

For your marketing agency to thrive, establishing a sustainable lead pipeline is paramount. 

This involves not just attracting leads but nurturing and converting them through well-selected channels and continuous education.

  • Select Channels Based on Market Feedback: Your multi-channel strategy should be informed by direct feedback from your target market. Understand where your potential clients look for businesses like yours and where they consume educational content. This might include specific social media platforms, industry forums, or professional networks. Tailoring your strategy to these channels ensures that your efforts are focused where they will have the most impact.

  • Refine the Lead Nurturing Process: Once leads enter your pipeline, nurturing them with relevant and educational content is key to keeping them engaged. Develop an email newsletter that offers continuous education on industry trends, insights, and case studies. This newsletter should not only reinforce your agency’s expertise but also provide ongoing value to your audience, keeping them engaged and moving them further along the buyer’s journey.

  • Utilize Targeted and Personalized Follow-ups: Combine your educational content with personalized follow-up strategies. Use the insights gained from interactions with your content to tailor your communications, making them more relevant and effective in converting leads to clients.

By focusing on targeted channels and nurturing leads through continuous education and personalized engagement, you can build a lead pipeline that consistently delivers quality clients. 

This approach ensures that your agency remains visible and valuable to your target market, fostering long-term relationships and steady growth.


Navigating the B2B marketing landscape, especially for professional services, requires more than traditional strategies; it demands innovation, focus, and a deep understanding of your target market. 

Throughout this article, I've explored how narrowing your focus, showcasing authentic results, and building genuine connections can transform your agency's lead generation and positioning strategies.

  • Innovate beyond traditional methods: By focusing narrowly, proving your results authentically, and connecting genuinely, we've seen how you can create a lead generation strategy that attracts not just more, but the right leads.

  • Position for growth with a compelling narrative: Building on your unique selling propositions and authentic success stories, we discussed crafting a brand narrative that resonates deeply with your target audience, setting your agency apart.

  • Challenge the status quo: We delved into the importance of challenging marketing myths, offering evidence-based alternatives, and fostering a reputation as a thought leader who shapes industry trends.

As we wrap up, remember that the journey to enhancing your marketing agency's lead quality and volume is continuous and ever-evolving. 

To stay ahead in this dynamic field, ongoing learning and adaptation are key.

If you're ready to take your agency's marketing to the next level, consider two valuable next steps: 

Subscribe to 'The Expertise Edge' newsletter for regular insights and strategies tailored to marketing agency growth, or reach out to me directly for a free consultation.

Together, we can explore innovative approaches to elevate your agency's market presence and lead generation success.

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